How to Convince Your Boss about the Significance of SEO

When you have spent a lot of time doing SEO, you are bound to have run into users, who do not appear to be interested in search engine optimization. Rather, you usually only get a blank, puzzled look in return, when you mention some of the SEO components.

That’s very normal but that may be more of a concern when you get the same look from your own boss.

SEO is a vital part of the performance of every organization. Nevertheless, many CEOs and small businesses still consider themselves uncomfortable and unaware of jumping into SEO. They know the need for SEO but don’t know where to start and how much time and money it will take.

If you working for an in-house SEO team or a company, it may be a struggle to convince managers to increase their SEO budget. It is a heck of a task to convince them to spend their money in the right direction. But, you can still induce your bosses by following the below tips and tricks.

Assist them to learn about SEO

Every field has its own terminologies that are used to indicate and perform various operations. SEO also has its terminologies that most of the bosses don’t know. You may get surprised if a marketing team member blabs about his marketing campaigns using marketing terminologies. The same goes for SEO.

Take the time to educate the audience about SEO concepts and specifically describe all types of terminologies. This will also allow listeners to better understand the operations of search engine optimization. This is important to explain, describe, and address the appropriate terms in order to deliver something useful.

Your main goal is to convince the upper management of the company to pour more budget into SEO, right? What if your boss has the mindset of “old is gold.” You may find it very tedious to even talk about SEO. In this case, try to persuade them by developing their interest. It could be a hell of a task to convince an “old is gold” type of guy, but it will be worth it if you get successful in convincing your boss.

Clarify the reason to perform certain SEO actions

SEO requires a lot of effort behind the scenes and sometimes does not return immediate results. Most people in the industry have a tough time believing SEO and in their ideal timeline, it does not deliver the kind of results they expect. It will be hard to impress your manager because there are no concrete goals or fixed timeframes in the suggested course of action.

If you explain why you wanted to do something or why you wanted to do it, try to bear in mind the overarching large picture or target.

For instance, you can instantly update the contents, or redirect redundant pages that you wish to concentrate on because you have encountered an outbreak of repetitive material on the web. You may then be asked about it by your manager. Your boss may ask you why you are removing certain pages that are full of content.

Okay, you know all the reasons why duplicate content is a terrible idea because you’re an SEO expert. So you could fall back on the old standby thinking when they inquire about it. But this is not enough to serve your boss’s information necessity.

Instead, explain a bit about how Google sees duplicate content, how the same products can harm your search engine rankings, and why it is bad to have duplicate content at all?

For the same reason, you can explain how backlinks are vital to get more traffic. Persuade them by giving an example of backlinks and how Google considers backlinks as the main factor to rank websites in the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Build your authority as an SEO expert

In most of the companies, SEO executives are taken seriously by higher-ops. It could be very difficult to convince your boss that SEO is vital if you have not much authority.

You should have professional authority in the office and if you do not, try to build it so that your bosses pay attention to you.

But the question here is; how to build your professional authority? Professional authority can be built by performing like a pro. You may put in extra work, try to be a team leader, write more content, engage with users, and provide relevant information to the users. You should use relevant SEO tools to successfully run your SEO strategies.

Always use a copied content checker before posting content on the website. Don’t use copied content because it will hurt your reputation if your manager gets to know what you are doing. Use an online grammar checker to remove grammar and spelling mistakes from your content, and also a readability score checker to check if the readability of your content is up to the mark.

You should also document all of your SEO activities and outcomes so that when the time comes, you should be able to explain what you have to date and how your SEO activities are generating successful leads for the company. To record your SEO activities and outcomes:

Report and compare the conversion of data from the organic search traffic. Create an account of Google Search Console and Google Analytics to track sales from sales and contact forms. You don’t have to speak much in a meeting if you present these reports to them.

Document how you equate yourself with rivals. Compile a list of few rivals who are actually scratching the business on the top keywords. Showing these missed chances will only inspire any boss to improve SEO activities. Try to deliver your message with clarity.

Prepare reports to present your SEO strategy

You can get a lot of blank stars and cynical comments while talking to people who don’t know anything about SEO. You can only benefit from their stupidity and making it up for what they know.

Therefore, to safeguard your SEO campaign, prepare documents for your strategy, and reports to properly present them. Again, it is necessary to concentrate on those factors which will help the listeners to understand what you are saying. Describe everything in easy words and don’t use SEO terminologies in front of them.

Most managers know that SEO is an important factor in the growth of their business. They may not know how SEO works or how it should be implemented in the business. That is why they hire SEO executives to perform search engine optimization.

Though every day you can tell them how a certain strategy can be very successful, and how it will get us more leads and sales, and they don’t want to catch on with your passion. They don’t want to know what you do to get rankings up, but they will surely give you attention if you convey them the success of an SEO strategy.

Choose the right words to explain SEO elements

You can have meetings with a number of audiences frequently depending on the scale of the company. Everyone from IT, marketing, and management would like to learn why SEO is important and in which direction it is going?

IT professionals want to know the technical specifics and any changes or vulnerabilities to be identified. The marketing team is more interested in how SEO draws the right audience to the website and the management is generally less interested in what the SEO strategy entails, as long as it improves the company’s results.

You need to know your target audience if you want to gain more help by convincing your boss to act on a certain SEO strategy. You should then style the document so that they can easily understand what you are trying to communicate.

In order to make a web site more accessible, a meeting with IT workers may be needed to get some technical changes done. Different management meetings will include conversations about the SEO plan’s time and money and future ROI and opportunities it provides if the strategy is effective.


I know many business owners who know search engine optimization and also know how it works. It is always nice to show your boss all the figures and statistics with your enthusiastic excitement. You should refer to the SEO topics you care about, but don’t feel like going too far. CEOs usually have a lot on their plate as they run an entire company and look after all the departments. They only want to know if efforts go to SEO pay off even if they are very much interested in SEO.

The easiest way to tackle this is to decide on specific primary metrics of success before the initiative starts. As search engine optimization takes time, weekly discussion meetings are also good ideas for reminding members and convincing them you will be working into these key performance indicators slowly but regularly.

Support for an SEO project can be difficult to receive. Communicating with other users who struggle to grasp the purpose and functionality of the search engines can often be irritating. Explaining the importance of SEO, understanding the nerves of your bosses, and recording the success of your campaign can improve these challenging and stressful discussions.

Sonu Singh

Sonu Singh is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert at 4SEOHELP. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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